Hair & Beauty Australia Industry Association
As a member of HABA you can speak to our team of legal specialists to receive advice that is SPECIFIC to your business and given with your best interests in mind. Don’t just taken generic information and assume it applies to you – you’re putting your business at risk if you do.
HABA have published a number of fact sheets available to assist members to access all relevant information. This Member Advice is aimed at assisting Members to access relevant information.
Thousands of hair and beauty salon owners across Australia turn to HABA for up to date and individually tailored business advice.
Our Board of Directors and Office Team work together to support and provide our national members with operational, industrial and compliance information.
Becoming involved in your industry association as a Board Member is a great way of actively contributing and promoting the hair and beauty industry.
As a HABA Member you can be assured that you are correctly informed from Australia’s only federally registered industrial association with Fair Work Australia for salon owners in the hair and beauty industry.
Alliance Partners support our industry and support HABA members with exclusive HABA offers.
Join your colleagues and support your leading Industry Association to elevate and create a better future for the hair and beauty industry.
For less than $12 a week, your modest membership fee will save you thousands of dollars in time and money spent trying to source information that may be out of date and incorrect.
A list of questions and answers that are commonly asked by new members.
Home / HABA Blog / 457 Visas Change – What does it mean for salon owners? / pexels-photo-26045
Posted April 28, 2017
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