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Hair & Beauty Australia Industry Association


Posted June 17, 2019

Thanks to Sarina Russo. 

From 1 July 2019, an Additional Identified Skills Shortage (AISS) payment will be available to hairdressers and their apprentices, as our industry has been identified as an occupation experiencing a national skills shortage. This is something all salon owners will no doubt know, as we have long heard about the trouble you are having in finding and recruiting quality apprentices. This payment is designed to target school-age students to join the industry and encourage salon owners to continue to put on apprentices – it is a win-win for everyone involved.


Payments are staggered throughout the apprenticeship to encourage completion and are applicable for both adult-age apprentices and junior hairdressing apprentices alike. These payments are additional to any payments the apprentice or employer may already be eligible for under existing programs like the Australian Apprenticeships Incentive Program or any trade support loans.


Here’s how the payments break down for salon owners –


Scenario 1.
You employ and register new adult Hairdressing apprentice on or after 1/7/19.


You receive –

  • $1500 at 6 months standard Commencement Incentive
  • $4000 at 12 months Support for Adult Australian Apprentice payment
  • $2000 at 12 months an Additional identified Skills Shortage Payment
  • $2500 at completion a Standard Completion Incentive
  • $2000 at Completion an Additional Identified Skills Shortage Payment


Total $12,000


The Training is ‘fee free’ other than enrolment and materials fees (NSW only).

The Apprentice also receives $1000 at 12 months and another $1000 upon successful completion.


Scenario 2.
You employ and register a junior Hairdressing apprentice on or after 1/7/19

You receive –

  • $1500 at 6 months standard Commencement Incentive
  • $2000 at 12 months an Additional identified Skills Shortage Payment
  • $2500 at completion a Standard Completion Incentive
  • $2000 at Completion an Additional Identified Skills Shortage Payment


Total $8,000


The Training is ‘fee free’ other than enrolment and materials fees (NSW Only).

The Apprentice also receives $1000 at 12 months and another $1000 upon successful completion.


There are a number of points in the eligibility criteria for these payments, including that the apprentice must be new to the employer and commencing a Certificate III or IV level qualification. Existing workers and their employers are not eligible. There may be more eligibility requirements that come to light as the program is implemented. If salon owners wish to check their eligibility or learn more about the program, we encourage you to visit to make sure that you are receiving your full entitlements when training your apprentice.

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