Posted September 12, 2016
As the hair and beauty industry employs many apprentices, it is important for salon owners to understand the entitlements which are attributed to apprentices. This will help reduce the risk of potential underpayment claims and disputes with employees.
All apprentices, regardless of whether they are full time, part time or school based are entitled to leave entitlements. This is identical to the leave entitlements which are provided to permanent employees in the hair and beauty industry. For full time apprentices, this includes 4 weeks of annual leave and leave loading, 10 days of personal carer’s leave, compassionate leave and paid public holidays and all other provisions under the National Employment Standards (NES). Part time apprentices will receive pro-rata entitlements for paid annual leave and personal carer’s leave but will be able to access all other provisions under the NES. These aspects are non-negotiable and must be provided to all apprentices.
If an apprentice is employed full time under their training contract, it is a required that they work 38 hours. Anything over this amount will be viewed as overtime as the training contract will stipulate the weekly number of hours. Part time apprentices will need set hours in line with the state apprenticeship legislation and should have relatively predictable hours of work.
All apprentices in the hair and beauty industry, with the exception of school-based apprentices, are entitled to payment for the time spent at training including at Registered Training Organisations. The exception of school-based apprentices is due to the fact that most training from this is school directed. In place of this, the Hair and Beauty Award provides a provision for 20 – 25% (subject to State rules) of the actual hours worked to be paid as ‘off-the-job’ training. This payment can be averaged over the semester or year and should be provided as a separate aspect on a payslip to avoid confusion.
Need clarification, contact a member of the HABA team on 02 9221 9911, or enquire at
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