Posted July 31, 2017
Hair and Beauty Australia were proud to have recently donated $5,000 to beyondblue, the profits from our huge Luxury Draw put on to raise money and awareness for those in our community who are suffering from depression and anxiety.
Around 1 million Australian adults live with depression and over 2 million have anxiety.
On average, one in five women and one in eight men will experience depression in their lifetime.
One in three women and one in five men will experience anxiety.
These statistics are significant, startling and concerning for employers. The results of these statistics on anxiety, depression and mental illness mean that there is a higher rate of absenteeism, reduced productivity at work and increased turnover, let alone the social impacts on workplace relationships and team cohesion.
Hair and Beauty Australia were proud to support those Australians suffering through depression and anxiety through our Luxury Prize Draw, with all profits going to beyondblue. Every day, nearly eight people take their own lives – and beyondblue want to change that. beyondblue provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live.

That’s why HABA were proud to donate all profits from this campaign to beyondblue, to help all Australians. We were proud to hand over a cheque for $5,000 to Daniela Fazio, ambassador for beyondblue. With this donation, they will be able to continue their great work in our communities, raising awareness and investing in research into depression and anxiety.

After months of selling tickets and talking about the importance of the cause, we were so pleased to present our winners from the draw with their prizes. The winner of the diamond Tennis Bracelet was Rebecca Mitchell from Western Australia who received her prize at Hair Expo 2017 in Sydney.

The largest prize in the draw was a Mercedes Benz 5-door Hatch Mercedes-Benz A180 was won by Raymond George. This amazing prize was presented here by Brett Manion from Mercedes Benz Macarthur and Vanessa weaver to the lucky winner!
Thank you to Mercedes-Benz MacArthur and Temptation by Protea for their very kind donation of the prizes! Thank you to ASK Printing Pty Ltd for their donation of ticket printing, and to everyone who entered into the draw. Because of your generosity, beyondblue can continue doing their great work in the community, and Hair & Beauty Australia were very proud to be part of that.
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