Posted August 17, 2020
Salon owners are doing their best to make the best of a bad situation, despite the devastating effect Covid-19 has had on our industry. For those states starting to move away from restrictions and back to normal, now is the time to relaunch and reinvigorate. For those states still working through lockdown and restrictions, now is the time to be planning for the next step. Here’s how you can take charge of getting back on track in business post Covid-19.
Revisit your business plan
Whether it’s looking at your overall business plan or revisiting your 2020 business plan, now is the time to put yourself on a new path. Maybe it’s about shifting your thinking, from planning to add a new salon location to your books to consolidating and increasing profitability for the one you have. Maybe it’s about investigating ways that you can decrease your costs on the bottom line and really squeeze every dollar. Look at the changes you have made since the pandemic hit and consider which of those you will bring into the future of your business – from at-home colour kits to ‘treat yo’ self’ bundle packs. Consider all parts of your business
Create a roadmap
Whether it’s launching out of lockdown or launching back to 100% create a roadmap, not only for yourself and your business but one that your team can have oversight on. What are the steps we are taking to ensure that we are moving in an increasingly positive direction? What are our plans for reopening or bringing people into the salon? Are we considering rebooking offers or simply shouting the reopening from the rooftop? Look at what the steps your salon needs to take to launch out of this crisis are, and make sure that your staff are also aware of them so they can be on board, enacting them and be part of your success.
Look at your A, B, C and D options
The scariest part of this disease is that we can’t ever quite say it’s over. We can hope that the cases will stop, and we will be on top of it – but we need to prepare for the worst. As a salon owner you need to know what your options are and know what you will do in any given situation to ensure the survival of your business and put yourself onto the path for success. The virus may have caught all Australians unawares the first time it hit, but we won’t be fooled again. Have things like at-home colour kits up your sleeve if your state is forced into lockdown again. Put any extra money into a savings account for a day in which you aren’t making any profit. Know at what point you have to let staff go, and what your legal recourse is for that. KNOW your options, even if it’s uncomfortable to think about, and stay on top of your business.
Get inspired
If you’re ready to launch out of this crisis, the best thing you can do is be INVIGORATED in your industry and business so you can bring that big, positive energy to your next phase of business ownership and to your clients. We are devastated to have lost Hair Expo entirely thanks to this crisis, and really saddened to hear that Beauty Expo has been cancelled at least for 2020. So HABA are bringing the inspiration to you!
We are hosting our Best of Beauty Virtual Conference THIS WEEKEND to inspire salon owners across the Hair and Beauty Industry to be the best they can in business and to think outside the box about their business. We would LOVE you to come and get a dose of inspiration for your business, no matter where you are in your journey out of Corona Virus.
Register for the Best of Beauty Virtual Conference here.
At this time, it’s really important for Salon Owners to take charge of the way in which we are getting back on track post Covid-19. Don’t let this be just another thing that ‘happens’ to you this year – MAKE something great out of this crisis. YOU are in charge of how you launch out of this extremely challenging period, so make it work for you the way you want. Take charge. Be strong. Own your shit! That’s how we are going to make a better, stronger and more resilient industry from here.
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