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Hair & Beauty Australia Industry Association

International Women’s Day for Salon Owners – #BreakTheBias

Posted March 7, 2022

International Women’s Day is a movement that has gained momentum over the past 5 years or so, particularly in the corporate sector. We are sure that by now you have seen the same quotes repeated over and over – “May we be them and may we raise them” – but while the sentiment is absolutely on point, what it doesn’t offer is a specific path forward for those of us in the hair and beauty industry.


Across the hair and beauty industry, women are the majority – of business owners, of employees, of educators and influencers. So, what can we as an industry take away from IWD 2022 and its theme of #BreakTheBias? How can we continue to push the agenda for equality in our industry?


This year’s theme gives us the key to moving forward with equality in the hair and beauty industry. The #BreakTheBias theme encourages us all to develop a greater understanding of gender bias and be more aware of its existence, particularly in the workplace.

As salon owners, we need to question the bias that we bring to our workplaces. Whether that is the age or nationality of your employees; whether that is their cultural or religious practices, whether that is in skin colour or gender presentation. We need to ensure that all women are equally represented across our industry and celebrated for their amazing skills and abilities.


Ineke McMahon, Career Strategist, said it incredibly well.

“I love the idea that difference is valued and celebrated. I love the theme for this International Women’s Day and I’m a passionate advocate for women advancing their careers,” says Ineke in her LinkedIn #BreakTheBias post. “I want to encourage any woman reading this to actively invest in your self-development and be confident enough to put yourself forward for a promotion, pay-rise or more senior role. Celebrate your differences!”


While we do not operate in a male-dominated industry, like STEM or academia, bias is present across society and to challenge that is to continue to move the needle forward for equality. By representing all women (and men) across our industry, and allowing those representations to be visible, we create a more inclusive industry, encouraging new people to join the industry and become part of our hair and beauty family. This allows for more potential employees for salon owners, creates more space on the floor for different kinds of people and creates a stronger industry.


Finally, we would like to point out that you as female members in many cases are the “boss”. Too often, you are viewed simply as hairdressers and beauticians, even though this is often only a small part of what you do. You run businesses, pay bills, manage your team, plan for the future in uncertain times. All while advancing the lives of many. You are not just hairdressers and beauticians you are ENTREPRENEURS. Something that we believe the world needs reminding of… your strength, your ability, and your power.


If you want to learn more about what bias is and how it plays out by watching some of these highly informative and insightful videos educating about bias in all its forms.


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