Posted April 3, 2018
The Hair and Beauty industry is a dynamic, evolving industry with everything from techniques, products, trends and even regulations changing constantly. The same is true for the Hair & Beauty Award, which tends to have significant changes every quarter, which you can catch up for last quarter here. Here are the changes made to the Hair & Beauty Award that salon owners need to know about in the first quarter of 2018.
On 14 March 2018, HABA with assistance from the Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) filed submissions and witness statements to the Fair Work Commission (the Commission) is seeking a modest reduction in both the Sunday and Public Holiday Penalty Rates. The matter is listed to be heard before the Full Bench of the Commission on 21 June 2018.
Although the Union’s claim for 10 days of paid leave for domestic violence was rejected on 26 March 2018, the Commission decided that the most appropriate course of action to address the impact of family violence in the workplace is to allow all workers covered by modern agreements, including casuals, to access five days of unpaid leave if they “need to do something to deal with the impact of family and domestic violence and it is impractical for them to do this outside of their ordinary hours of work”.
In response to the decision, Small Business Minister Craig Laundy and Minister for Women Kelly O’Dwyer said the federal government will introduce legislation into Parliament “as soon as possible” so that all Australian workers, not just those covered by modern award agreements, would be able to access the same leave entitlements.
The unions were pursuing a claim for virtually all awards to be varied to give employees with parenting or other caring responsibilities an absolute right to part-time employment or reduced hours of work. The proposed clause would allow an employee to dictate their days of work, as well as starting and finishing times.
HABA through Ai Group argued that the existing ‘right to request’ arrangements in the Fair Work Act strike the right balance between the interests of employees and employers. The claim made by the Unions was rejected by the Commission, and thus there is no change to the Family-Friendly Work Arrangements Clause.
On 2 March 2018, HABA with Ai Group was successful in having the union’s claim for public holidays to be paid for both full-time and part-time employees who were not required to work on a public holiday was rejected. The union’s proposed clause would have given them an entitlement to an extra day of leave or an extra day’s pay. This is a great win for salon owners and HABA are proud to have achieved this fantastic result for our members.
The Hair & Beauty Industry Award itself is being redrafted to make it simpler to read, which is something that HABA has pushed for over a number of years. However, HABA wants to ensure that no salon owners will be worse off under the changes.
HABA with Ai Group are ensuring that each clause in the current Award and any proposed changes as part of the Fair Work Commission review are given a plain language redraft, ensuring greater understanding for salon owners of their rights and responsibilities. This will also ensure that salon owners are not non-compliant through a lack of understanding.
On 8 March 2018, HABA through Ai Group filed an in-principle agreement between HABA, Ai Group and the SDA on substantive changes to the Hair and Beauty Industry Award 2010.
HABA is seeking to increase flexibility to rostering in response to the Industry’s needs. Members will be informed in due course about the outcome of these proceedings.
As a member of HABA, salon owners can feel secure in the knowledge that they are represented by their industry associationthat truly has their best interests at heart. HABA is the only industry association that regularly and directly oppose changes or suggested changes to the Hair & Beauty Award, protecting salon owners from changes that would put unfair strain on your business. Support the industry association that supports you and become a HABA member today.
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