Posted December 16, 2019
In case you can’t tell, the team at HABA are pretty excited for 2020. We have made some bad puns about it, and we keep referring to our 2020 vision. But that’s all just because a new year is a chance to make serious change in your business – and if you start your year on the right foot, the rest just falls into place.
We’re sure you’ve all tried setting targets for the new year before. Some years are always going to be more successful than others – maybe you start strong but fade towards the end of January when you’ve lost your new year zeal and you find your business is still the same old, same old even though it’s a new year; or maybe you just got distracted by some problem in salon or new shiny piece of technology. Either way, we have some simple tips to get your goals right and your salon humming in time for 2020.
Get your team involved.
By now, as a salon owner, we would hope you’re not spending quite so much time in the hands-on day to day of your business. So, chances are your targets are actually being set for your team – so make sure to get their input and get their buy in on what the targets are and how you’re going to get them. Make it a competition, make it a game, any way you can all work together is fine – but its best to do it as a group. Get everyone motivated and on the right path – get a little Oprah if you have to – but get the whole team feeling like it’s you against the world and you can do it TOGETHER!
Side note make sure you check in each month to check in with each member of your team and your team collectively to see how they’re tracking with their goals. This is also a good chance to do a performance management check in and make sure everyone is sitting pretty from day 1 of the new year.
Set the right kind of targets.
No-one wants to be standing at the bottom of the mountain on day 1 of the hike, looking up and thinking ‘Lord, I’m never going to get there’. That’s the hardest bit and might deter you from starting at all. It’s important that you make your targets achievable so that your team can look at them and realise that they are attainable. If an annual target seems to large and looming, try a monthly or weekly breakdown that feels more manageable. Check that the total target is reachable, even if it requires a little pulling up of socks to get there. Group targets and individual targets help feed into the group mentality we established earlier, and it’s important to praise everyone who is reaching those goals and doing well against the clear yardstick you’ve set in front of them.
Tracking your targets
Targets mean nothing if you aren’t tracking your success in them, and this is where new programs typically fall down. A target check-in should occur monthly at your team meeting, and sometimes using a visual device like a leader board or gold stars that is visible to everyone can drive competition within the salon. Your salon software system should give you the ability to check in on a number of different metrics, like bums on seats (or backs on beds as the case may be) and revenue in, as well as special packages sold, retail sold and upsells. Don’t obsess over the numbers or give overly critical feedback but find ways to guide your team and be constructive in your feedback to them to encourage and support them in working hard to achieve those targets you set.
Now is the time to get all your systems and processes together to have a successful year in 2020. If your salon is open from 2 January (and we know plenty of you are) you want to make sure that you’re ready to start the year the right way and hit the ground running for the year. So do some extra work in this lead up to Christmas period so that everything is ready to go, including your salon targets, come your first day of the new year. You can thank us later.
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