Posted May 31, 2021
HABA (Hair and Beauty Australia) + TAFE NSW are working together to address skills shortages in the hairdressing industry by offering a traineeship pathway program.
Through the program, students will combine studying a Certificate II in Salon Assistant at TAFE NSW Ultimo with on-the-job experience at HABA member hair salons.
Before the challenges of COVID-19, the Personal Services Industry Reference Committee identified skills shortages were already being experienced across the Hairdressing industry, with businesses struggling to find skilled and experienced staff. [1]
Maureen Harding, Chairperson of HABA said the traineeship program with TAFE NSW will help to alleviate skills shortages in the hairdressing industry and help salon owners to hire new trainees.
“HABA is launching this training program with TAFE NSW to inform salon owners that employing an apprentice or trainee is a cost-effective way to fill a skills gap in your business,” Ms Harding said.
“A trainee provides you with a keen, eager employee who you select, who can be trained for the specific needs of your business, helping increase your bottom line and contribute to sustainable growth.
“This program offers students a taste of what it is like to work in the industry, and the majority of training will occur in-salon, providing students with the opportunity to earn while they learn.”
The Australian Government is providing support to all eligible employers who engage a new Australian Apprentice or Trainee. Eligible employers will receive a subsidy of 50 per cent of wages paid to a new or recommencing apprentice or trainee, to the value of $7,000 each quarter, until 30 March 2022.
Vanessa Grant, Head Teacher of Hair and Beauty at TAFE NSW said the Certificate II in Salon Assistant prepares students for work and further study in hairdressing by learning the fundamental skills they need to provide outstanding customer experiences in salon settings.
“The Certificate II in Salon Assistant is a great entry-level qualification and provides students with exposure to the hairdressing industry before they commit to a full apprenticeship,” Ms Grant said.
“Trainees will combine theory and work-based training to learn skills such as shampoo and basin services, organising tools, equipment and work areas, applying hair colour, blow-drying, and conducting salon financial transactions.”
For NSW-based HABA Members who are keen to participate in the program, register your interest by emailing
[1] Australian Industry and Skills Committee 2019
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